When to Consider Raccoon Removal in Fayetteville, GA

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Pest Control

Raccoons may look cute and cuddly, but they can wreak havoc on your property if they are not controlled. These animals are known for causing damage to gardens, attacking pets, and carrying diseases such as rabies and roundworms. It is important to know when to consider raccoon removal in Fayetteville, GA.

In this blog post, we will discuss the signs that you may have a raccoon problem and when it is time to call in raccoon removal services.

Damage to Property

One of the first signs of a raccoon problem is damage to your property. These animals are known for digging up gardens and lawns in search of food. They can also damage roofs, chimneys, and attics in their search for shelter. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to consider raccoon removal in Fayetteville, GA.

Strange Noises

Raccoons are active at night, so if you hear strange noises coming from your attic or roof during the night, it could be a sign that they have taken up residence in your home. These animals are notorious for making loud scratching and thumping sounds as they move around. If you hear these noises, it is important to call in pest control professionals immediately.

Foul Odor

Raccoon droppings are known for their foul odor which can be described as musky. If you notice this smell in or around your home, it could be a sign that raccoons are living nearby. The odor is caused by the urine and feces that these animals leave behind. It is important to have the area cleaned up as soon as possible to avoid the spread of disease.

Pets or Wildlife Being Attacked

Raccoons are known for attacking pets and other wildlife. If you notice any signs of an animal attack, it is important to call in the professionals immediately. These attacks can be deadly and can also lead to the spread of disease. It is important to keep your pets inside at night and to be aware of any signs of an animal attack.

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