Guiding Resolutions for Commercial Roofing Decatur AL

by | Feb 28, 2013 | Roofing

Just as everyone makes resolutions for the New Year, it is also important to come up with a few resolutions for any construction ventures that you anticipate in the year. Such resolutions will help you save on construction costs, decrease the construction or repair timelines, keep you ahead of the pack in terms of construction trends and strengthens your client-contractor relationship. Commercial roofing is part of the construction industry that also requires players to come up with their own set of resolutions.

A good resolution as concerns the commercial roofing industry in general and Commercial roofing, Decatur AL in particular is to avoid going with the lowest bid. This is usually a tough one to observe especially because everyone needs to keep his or her roofing budget in check and save as much as possible. In 2010, many people opted to do business with pick-up truck or briefcase contractors. This was an unfortunate move as most of these people suffered severe losses after their initial contractor missed deadlines, did shoddy work and had to dig deeper into their pockets to finance getting another more experienced contractor to finish the job.

Another resolution that you need to make this year as far as your roof is concerned is the adoption of a schedule for regular preventive maintenance. A roof just like your HVAC system requires constant care and attention. If for instance you do not carry out regular cleaning of your HVAC unit or do not jet your pipes annually, then you risk serious hurt and loss of revenue. Preventive maintenance is always cheaper than having to carry out an entire roof replacement.

Signs of serious trouble in your roof include excessive shingle debris, bald, cracked and missing shingles as well as signs of water leakage. Roofing maintenance depends on the age of the roof as well the type of roof that you have. Cedar roofs are not ideal for moist and excessively dry climates. They usually have a 20-year lifespan. Ceramic tiles on the other hand have a 100-year lifespan if properly maintained.

Some of the best contractors for Commercial Roofing Decatur AL are online. The advent of the internet has made it possible to buy virtually everything from the comfort of your home. In much the same way, you can easily get a reputable commercial roofing contractor in North Alabama on the internet. You get to sieve through several quotes before settling on a particular company. Commercial roofing is usually more involving than residential roofing. From the costs involved to materials, commercial projects are much more complex than residential projects. As such, it is best to go with a contractor who has enough exposure with the depth and intricacies of commercial projects.


Get in touch with competent commercial roofing, Decatur AL contractor for all your roofing projects. Please visit for more information on commercial entities.


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